Closed a Few More Weeks
The gallery is closed until March 2025 while we replace our roof and then do some redecorating. We will announce the reopening date as soon as we know when we will be ready for customers. In the meantime, you can always contact us and see if there is a good day to drop by for a visit.
Our Newsletter
We send an electronic newsletter about once a quarter to let our friends and customers know about upcoming events, new pieces of art, and what Alan is up to in his studio, visiting gardens and museums, hiking trails, and learning about Hawaii’s flowers.
You can sign up for our newsletter by scrolling down to subscribe.
You can see our latest newsletter by clicking the link below.
At Alan Akana Gallery, take a step back in time and experience the magical splendor of Hawaii's flowers. Located in Koloa, on Kauai's South Shore, the gallery features vibrant floral watercolors that elegantly line the walls of the historic Smith Memorial Parsonage, a fully-restored plantation home built in 1928.
The peaceful atmosphere and sophisticated artwork of renowned local artist Alan Akana set this gallery apart. Truly one of Kauai's premiere galleries, experience the art gallery that people are calling a “must see” on your list of “things to do on Kauai” for locals and visitors alike.
Please click here for more details on planning your visit.
`Ākala (2022)
Words from the Artist
“I want people to stop for a moment and consider Hawaii's flowers with appreciation and wonder, especially those that are found only here in Hawaii.
These islands are so full of fragrance and beauty that comes from our flowers, yet many of our flowering trees and plants have become rare and some are even on the verge of extinction.
I invite visitors to the gallery to enjoy and appreciate them, while learning about the unique story of each species.”
—Alan Akana
The Smith Memorial Parsonage was built in 1928 in memory of Rev. Dr. James and Melicent Smith, who arrived on this property as medical missionaries in 1842. The historic building and grounds are owned and maintained by Koloa Union Church and serve as the residence for the church's kahu (pastor), who is currently Alan Akana, the resident artist. The gallery is operated by devoted volunteers of the church, and net proceeds from gallery sales support the care and maintenance of the parsonage. Purchases and donations are appreciated!
“The parsonage is a special place and has played such an important role in the rich history of Kauai. The gallery is a way for me to support this historic building and the grounds upon which it stands.”
—Alan Akana
Follow us on Facebook @alanakanagallery
and Instagram @alan_akana_gallery
Alan Akana on local TV channel OC16: *Alan has been featured on "The Mokan Nokan Show," a brilliant show that is produced here on Kauai by friend of the gallery, Mel Bell-Grey!
Each episode of The Mokan Nokan Show is designed to motivate, educate and inspire children to learn while having fun and Alan was given the opportunity to talk about his book and his artwork on this terrific program. While geared for keiki, it's quite entertaining and educational for all ages. Check it out several days a week on channel OC16!
*Go to 17:07 on the video timer to skip ahead to Alan's segment.
Poipu Beach Resort Association Recommendation
PBRA wrote an article: "Hawaii's Most Popular Flowers and How to Wear Them". At the end of the article is a recommendation to visit our art gallery in Koloa, inviting guests to check out "vibrant floral watercolors that elegantly line the walls of the historic Smith Memorial Parsonage."